When it comes to receiving, transmitting, transforming, and renewing energy, leave it to them. Gemstones will do it for you.
When you stop to admire the violet and crystalline peaks of an amethyst stone or observe the bands of various shapes and colors of an agate, you typically highlight the visual beauty these minerals offer, and it almost becomes inevitable to comment on their loveliness. However, aesthetic value is not the only one, and for thousands of people around the world, it is far from the only attraction when it comes to gemstones. For them, the energetic nature of these minerals is the most significant.
It is well known that minerals support various mystical practices regulated and intended according to the desired goal. Different stones have different energetic characteristics, varying from one another. In other words, each mineral has its unique qualities. However, even minimal variety seems to be a good choice for those who wish to dedicate some of their time to practices with gemstones. What do I mean by this? The wide range of possible activities; the doors that open, such as: opening a store of esoteric minerals, massages, meditation, or Gemotherapy (or Lithotherapy).
Gemstones have the ability to receive, transmit, transform, and renew the energy of their surroundings. This helps people who trust and seek well-being to achieve it through the attributes of minerals.
When we talk about Gemotherapy, we refer to a discipline that applies therapies using precious stones and crystals, characterized by their specific properties. Its goal is precisely to promote well-being and relaxation, bringing balance to both body and mind. Stones can be used for meditation or held continuously on the body, as some people prefer, in the form of an amulet, pendant, ring, bracelet, or anklet.
On the other hand, regarding the commercialization of minerals with esoteric purposes, this seems to be a good business model, given the large number of such stores around the world.
Amethyst1, as its name almost explicitly states, specializes in the sale of amethyst and agate gemstones, and these are the ones we will refer to. As mentioned in the second paragraph, minerals have different attributes and singularities. While they share some virtues, such as contributing to physical and emotional balance, they differ in others. Below is an overview of what each can contribute to psychological, physical, and spiritual levels.
Psychological Aspect: This mineral stimulates creativity, imagination, and concentration, while also calming fears, worries, and sadness. According to the blog Reino Minerales, it helps combat addictions to drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, and can even assist people with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in calming their daily lives. It integrates perfectly with newness and changes.
Physical Aspect: These are calming stones. One of the most notable points about amethyst is that it helps relieve blood pressure and muscle pain. Like agate, it contributes to calmness before sleep and reduces hyperactivity. For women, it can be particularly interesting as it stimulates fertility, endocrine glands, and hormone production, as well as contributing to the harmonization of menstrual cycles.
Spiritual Aspect: The violet quartz of amethyst is associated with the so-called seventh chakra, the crown chakra. It opens the mind and accesses a new level of spiritual awareness. Amethyst has the power to dispel fears, generate positive thoughts, and calm the mind. Additionally, it facilitates the search for inspiration, enhances creativity and imagination, and helps find the innovative spirit within oneself.
Psychological Aspect: Agate is a stone that calms anxiety and harmonizes. It helps in gaining self-confidence and personal acceptance. It also helps dissolve inner anger and internal disturbances as well as disruptive shocks and parasitic thoughts, generating a sense of security. It is ideal for combating stress and anxiety, putting “the mind in order.” Some people place it near their bed to aid in falling asleep.
Physical Aspect: Agate is commonly recognized for its healing properties. It stimulates fluid circulation and regulates breathing, contributing to body relaxation and relieving muscle, joint, and nerve pain. It is also used to address skin problems and alleviate insect bites.
Spiritual Aspect: Being a stone that presents nearly all existing colors, agate is a mineral with significant variation in its spiritual effects. Agate's impact depends on the chakras it influences and, consequently, the color. Black, orange, and yellow agates affect the physical chakras related to vitality, sexuality, and creative strength; green and pink agates influence the heart chakras, promoting kindness, love, and tenderness; beige and white agates work on the crown chakra, fostering wisdom, spiritual awakening, and altruism; while blue and violet agates impact the throat and third eye chakras, enhancing spirituality, communication, openness, personality, and intuition.